Authentic traditional makeover & photoshoot packages by October Divine
Professional Pinup Model Photoshoots – Model Portfolios
Experts in traditional, vintage and pinup garment photography
Examples of our clothing photography
Commercial Product Photography Specialists
The latest pinup prints uploaded to our store
Pinup prints featuring your favourite models
Pinup prints featuring October Divine
The UK’s Pinup Dolls
Representing your business
Social Media Influencers & Brand Ambassadors
The UK’s #1 for traditional pinup photography
Pinup Model, MUAH & Photographer
Our unique collective of the UK’s top pinup models
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10. 2. 2021 | Pinup Makeover & Photoshoots
Pinup Makeover In September of 2020 I got to spend the day with this lovely lady after she booked in for one of our Pinup Doll 4 makeover & photoshoot packages. After several months of our studio being closed for client makeovers, due to the Covid19 restrictions...11. 12. 2020 | Pinup Makeover & Photoshoots, Vintage Themed Photography Studio
Vintage Studio Sets Welcome to the Pinup Academy’s photography studio, created in 2013 as the UK’s first photography studio specialising in vintage themed pinup studio sets. Designed and created by October Divine our vintage studio sets provide the perfect...